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Writing PostgreSQL Functions in C

By Ron Peterson


PostgreSQL is a powerhouse in its own right, but it is also extensible. You have a lot of options when it comes to extending PostgreSQL. You can use SQL, PL/pgSQL, PL/Tcl, PL/Perl, PL/Python, and more. Each option has its advantages. C has the advantage of speed, of course. Because PostgreSQL itself is written in C, writing C code also allows you to leverage some of PostgreSQL's own internal code. Your C code can also readily leverage any number of other programming libraries. C functions are also a stepping stone toward defining your own new PostgreSQL base types. Ready to get started? Great! Because instead of trying to butter you up with a witty preamble, I'm going to take you straight to work.


You'll need a fairly recent version of PostgreSQL to follow along. I'm not going to discuss PostgreSQL's older Version 0 calling convention. I'm also using the PGXS build system, which was introduced in PostgreSQL version 8.0. The packaged version of PostgreSQL included with Debian Sarge or Redhat AS4 is older than that. I have compiled and used the code below on Debian Etch's packaged version, Fedora Core 6's packaged version, and on my own compiled from source installation of PostgreSQL 8.2.4.

If you are using your distribution's packaged version of the PostgreSQL server, rather than rolling your own; you need to make sure that you install the corresponding development package, for example:

Debian Etch:
  apt-get install postgresql-server-dev-8.1 postgresql-8.1
Fedora Core 6:
  yum install postgresql-server postgresql-devel

I'm going to assume you know the basics of how to configure and run PostgreSQL. If not, there are plenty of resources to help you get going. I also included an example build script at the end of this article.

Obviously you'll also need a C compiler. Make also comes in handy. Unless, like Alan Cox, you are able to directly manipulate the bits inside of your computer with your mind, you will also appreciate the use of a keyboard and monitor. I think we're ready now.

Hello, World!

This month I'll present a simple example, and follow-up with some explanations. We're going to write a function that takes a single text argument, and appends it to the the string 'Hello, '.

prompt> select hello( 'World!' );
 Hello, World!

Using your favorite editor (**cough**emacs**cough**), create a file called example.c as follows:

#include "postgres.h"
#include "fmgr.h"
#include <string.h>


Datum hello( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS );

   // variable declarations
   char greet[] = "Hello, ";
   text *towhom;
   int greetlen;
   int towhomlen;
   text *greeting;

   // Get arguments.  If we declare our function as STRICT, then
   // this check is superfluous.
   if( PG_ARGISNULL(0) ) {
   towhom = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0);

   // Calculate string sizes.
   greetlen = strlen(greet);
   towhomlen = VARSIZE(towhom) - VARHDRSZ;

   // Allocate memory and set data structure size.
   greeting = (text *)palloc( greetlen + towhomlen );
   VARATT_SIZEP( greeting ) = greetlen + towhomlen  + VARHDRSZ;

   // Construct greeting string.
   strncpy( VARDATA(greeting), greet, greetlen );
   strncpy( VARDATA(greeting) + greetlen,
            towhomlen );

   PG_RETURN_TEXT_P( greeting );

Now let's build this program, install it, and use it. Section 33.9.6 of the official PostgreSQL documentation explains the details. Unless you're doing something complicated, the PostgreSQL Extension Building Infrastructure, aka PGXS, will probably suffice. Create the following Makefile in the same directory as your code:

MODULES = example
PGXS := $(shell pg_config --pgxs)
include $(PGXS)

Run 'make' and then 'make install' as a user with permission to write the example.so file you just made to the PostgreSQL server's lib directory.

With the module in place, all that's left to do is to bind our 'hello' function inside of our example.so module to a SQL function that we can use inside our database. The following SQL will do the trick. Put the following text in a file called 'example.sql'.

  hello( TEXT )
  'example.so', 'hello'

Open a database with the PostgreSQL interactive command line editor 'psql' as a user with permission to create new functions (i.e. superuser). Create your new 'hello' function by loading the example.sql code above. For example:

prompt> \i example.sql

=> CREATE TEMP TABLE test( name ) AS
-> VALUES ('Xavier'), ('Yari'), ('Zack');

=> SELECT hello( name ) FROM test;
 Hello, Xavier
 Hello, Yari
 Hello, Zack
(3 rows)

What We Did

What could possibly be cooler than that?! Now let's review what we did.

I'll begin by noting that there are actually two PostgreSQL C language calling conventions: an older 'Version 0' convention and the newer 'Version 1' convention. I'm focusing exclusively on the Version 1 convention.

We begin by including postgres.h and fmgr.h. There are other PostgreSQL header files that you will need if you begin developing more complicated code, but you can pretty much expect that you'll always need at least these two. The include statements are followed by a "magic block". This block is required as of PostgreSQL version 8.2. This statement ensures that the database doesn't load improperly versioned object files. The magic block is followed by our C function declaration. We can have as many functions in a single object file as we like. In this example, we only declare and define one function, called 'hello'. I like to put forward declarations of all my C functions at the beginning of my code to avoid annoying compiler warnings. A quiet compiler is a happy compiler. The PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1 macro is required for all dynamically loaded Version 1 functions. I actually have no idea what it does, but I know what happens when you leave it out: nothing good.

And now at the beginning of our actual function definition, we can see in the variable declarations that we're using a PostgreSQL defined type: 'text'. Of course there are other PostgreSQL types worth knowing about as well. Table 33-1 in the official PostgreSQL documentation enumerates the C types corresponding to built-in SQL types. You should use PG_GETARG_xxx() and PG_RETURN_xxx() functions to retrieve and return these values from your function. A few examples:

int32    PG_GETARG_INT32(0)     PG_RETURN_INT32(arg)
text *   PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0)    PG_RETURN_TEXT_P(arg)

The argument to the GETARG functions indicates the position of the argument in the function call. The argument to the RETURN functions is a variable containing data to be returned. The _P suffix means 'pointer'. Let's get our input. Again, the GETARG arguments indicate position. So PG_ARGISNULL(0) refers to our first (and only) argument. If that argument is NULL, we return NULL, and we're done. Later, when we look at the SQL we use to import our function, we'll see that declaring our SQL function STRICT makes this NULL check superfluous, but I like to include it anyway. If our argument is not NULL, then we drop through and use the PG_GETARG_TEXT_P macro to assign the first argument (they are zero indexed) to our 'towhom' variable.

Variable length types such as bytea or text are always passed by reference. We then use macros to set and retrieve the data within our variable length data types. Let's take a quick look at the 'varlena' data structure used internally by PostgreSQL to represent variable length data structures. This will help us understand how some of the other macros we use operate. (As an aside, the name of this structure is where A. Elain Mustain got the name for her online PostgreSQL newsletter.)

struct varlena
  int32 vl_len;
  char  vl_dat[1];

The value vl_len member of this structure indicates how much data the structure is holding. The vl_dat member holds the data. Pretty simple, huh? However, there's no reason to go poking at this structure directly. In fact, we should not assume that this structure even exists. Instead, we get and set variable length data with macros. The VARSIZE macro tells us the total size of our 'towhom' text. The VARHDRSZ macro is a constant, and represents the overhead consumed by the vl_len member of our varlena structure. So VARSIZE(towhom) - VARHDRSZ gives us the number of octets in our text string. We use the VARATT_SIZEP macro to set the vl_len member of our 'greeting' text equal to the size of the text string it's going to store. Note that PostgreSQL text strings are not null terminated. The varlena data structure obviates the need for an end of string delimiter. The VARDATA macro returns a pointer to the data member of our 'greeting' string.

Again: while it's educational to understand what's happening under the hood, don't go poking around at PostgreSQL internals when you don't have to. Use the provided macros instead.

One last note about our C code. Use 'palloc', not 'malloc'. PostgreSQL's memory allocation function automatically takes care of certain cleanup operations that would otherwise be impossible. How would you free the memory pointed to by a pointer that's returned from our function, for example? PostgreSQL takes care of this for us. That's not to say we shouldn't free memory when we can. Use the palloc function's corresponding 'pfree' function to free memory when it's no longer needed.

Our SQL Function Definition

Our CREATE FUNCTION call maps our C function to a corresponding SQL function, which we will also call 'hello'. Our SQL function is defined to take a single TEXT argument, and to return a TEXT result. We can include more than one function inside a single object file, but for today, our example.so file only includes our single 'hello' function.

Our function is declared to be STRICT, meaning that it will return NULL on NULL input. This saves processing overhead (and makes our functions's NULL checking superfluous, as already mentioned). Our function is also declared IMMUTABLE, which means that our function does not modify the database, and that for any given input, the function will always return the same output.

See the PostgreSQL documentation for CREATE FUNCTION for more details about this statement.

Wrapping Up

In my next article, I'll expand on this introduction to PostgreSQL C programming. I'll show how to use PGXS when you want to link against external libraries, and I'll explain how to process tuple arguments. I'll also show how to use the 'ereport' function to provide diagnostic output while debugging C code that's running inside of a database.

Until then, you might want to take a look in the PostgreSQL distribution's 'contrib' directory for more examples. Even if you don't understand all the code there, you'll almost certainly find something you can use. There's a lot of really excellent work in there.

Hasty PostgreSQL Installation HOWTO

Here's the script I use to build PostgreSQL. You'll need to make sure you have the development versions of required libraries installed, e.g. on Debian Sarge you'll need libpam-dev, libperl-dev, etc.


[ -d $INSTALLDIR ] && rm -rf $INSTALLDIR
cd ${SRCDIR}
[ -f config.cache ] && rm -f config.cache
# make clean
./configure \
    --prefix=$INSTALLDIR \
    --with-pgport=5432 \
    --with-pam \
    --with-perl \
    --with-python \
    --with-openssl \
    --with-readline \
    --enable-thread-safety \
    > $LOGFILE 2>&1

[ ! $RETVAL -eq 0 ] &&
make >> $LOGFILE 2>&1

[ ! $RETVAL -eq 0 ] &&
make install >> $LOGFILE 2>&1

exit $RETVAL

I like to symlink my versioned installation to /local/apps/postgresql (so I can quickly change between minor version numbers by changing a single symlink); then I symlink the binaries in /local/apps/postgresql to a bin directory on my search path, somewhere where ldconfig will find them (see /etc/ld.so.conf), and so on. Create a PostgreSQL superuser and group (Typically 'postgres' & 'postgres'). Create a directory for log files and for the database which are owned by this user, and give that user write permission. Here's a simple init script. Use the 'init' function to create an empty database.



# Set postgresql options in postgresql.conf

[ -f ${PGCTL} ] || exit 0

init () {
    echo -n "Initializing PostgreSQL database"
    su - postgres -c "${INITDB} -D ${DATADIR} -E $ENCODING"

start () {
    echo -n "Starting PostgreSQL..."
    su - postgres -c "${PGCTL} start -D ${DATADIR} -l ${LOGFILE}"

stop () {
    echo -n "Stopping PostgreSQL..."
    su - postgres -c "${PGCTL} stop -D ${DATADIR} -m smart"

restart () {
    echo -n "Restarting PostgreSQL..."
    sleep 5

reload () {
    echo -n "Reloading PostgreSQL configuration..."
    su - postgres -c "${PGCTL} reload -D ${DATADIR}"

status () {
    echo -n "Checking PostgreSQL status..."
    su - postgres -c "${PGCTL} status -D ${DATADIR}"

case "$1" in
    echo "Usage: $0 {init|start|stop|restart|reload|status}"
    exit 1

exit 0

I also like to give myself and root, ident authorization to run as the 'postgres' superuser (i.e. I like to be able to run 'psql -U postgres' when I'm doing development work so I can get into the database quickly). Append something like the following to ${your_db_directory}/pg_ident.conf:

amap          myusername          iddb
amap          myusername          myusername
amap          myusername          postgres
amap          postgres            postgres
amap          root                postgres

This presumes you have enabled ident authentication in pg_hba.conf, like so:

local all all ident amap

That's a pretty hasty PostgreSQL installation HOWTO. It's a little off-topic, but I thought it might help jump start a potential proselyte or two.

Emacs Errata

I'm a big fan of SQL Mode for Emacs (see Resources below). I run split windows, and use keyboard shortcuts to run bits of the SQL I'm editing in my *SQL* buffer. However, I've always found that sql.el needs a little tweak. The problem is that when you run 'M-x sql-postgres', it won't prompt you for a user name. Unless you always want to connect to the database as your shell account username, or unless you exclusively use ident authentication, you'll want to fix this. Find sql.el on your system, and edit the PostgreSQL section as follows:

< (sql-get-login 'database 'server)
> (sql-get-login 'database 'user 'server)

> (if (not (string= "" sql-user))
>   (setq params (append (list "-U" sql-user) params)))

Run 'byte-compile-file' to create sql.elc. If you enter nothing at the 'User:' prompt, you will connect as the current user. If you want to use PostgreSQL's ident authentication (assuming you have this configured in PostgreSQL's pg_hba.conf and pg_ident.conf), leave the 'Server:' prompt blank. Enter a server name and a password if you are doing host based authentication.


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Ron Peterson is a Network & Systems Manager at Mount Holyoke College in the happy hills of western Massachusetts. He enjoys lecturing his three small children about the maleficent influence of proprietary media codecs while they watch Homestar Runner cartoons together.

Copyright © 2007, Ron Peterson. Released under the Open Publication License unless otherwise noted in the body of the article. Linux Gazette is not produced, sponsored, or endorsed by its prior host, SSC, Inc.

Published in Issue 139 of Linux Gazette, June 2007
