CLUELESS at the Prompt: A new column for new users
by Mike List, [email protected]
This time let's take a quick look at the XF86Setup utility. at X window managers, concentrating on FVWM, adding popup menus, adding and subtracting apps from existing popups and other relatively easy ways to get a custom appearance and feel.
Judging from the posts I've seen on the usenet, a lot of people aren't aware that there's an easier way to get X up and running than configuring it the old confusing way(at least I found it to be that way), using a tcl/tk script called XF86Setup. While it doesn't totally eliminate the need to manually edit your XConfig, it does provide a method of getting a usable configuration for most common video cards and monitors. XF86Setup first appeared in the XFree86 3.2 distribution, and uses the lowest common denominator VGA 16 color mode server and a tcl/tk(corrections welcome) script to start the config process in X and by using the graphical nature of this utility script you can be almost certain to have X running in a couple of tries, and if worst comes to worst you can have it running in 16 color mode until you can get the details to optimize it to your video hardware. Current downloads of Xfree86 all seem to have this included, and if your CDROM diskribution has X 3.2 or better you already have it available to install to your HD. If you download it from, be sure to read the Relnotes for the component files necessary to insure a successful install. You'll need :
OK, you have the files you need, that is the ones listed above, and the server for your particular video card, in my case the SVGA server, you may need to do a little detective work to determine which server to use. If you are using the X version that comes on your CDROM, you can probably install all the servers(assuming there's space on your HD)and let the XF86Setup prog make the choice. To install,type:
cd /usr/X11R6Next, copy the and scripts to /var/tmp, then go to /usr/X11R6 and type:
cd /usr/X11R6 sh /var/tmp/preinst.shthe script will remove some symbolic links, and check to see that all the files you need are available, and may output a message asking for those files that are needed but not present. But assuming that you have followed the above, everything should be in place, and you should get a generally encouraging message on exit from the script.
Now for the installation itself,type:
tar -zxvf /wherever/you/have/X3?files.tgzyou'll have to repeat this step with each of the required files, although if you have these files in a directory by themselves, you may be able to type:
tar -zxvf /wherever/youhavethem/*.tgzalthough it's been awhile, and I can't recall if it works, it won't hurt anything to try, since the alternative is to unpack each tgz file separately.
Next you run the script in the same manner as the above, this will make sure that you have all the X components in the correct places.Run ldconfig something like:
ldconfig -m /usr/X11R6/libor reboot to run ldconfig automatically. This links the libraries necessary to run X. At this point you should be able to start the actual setup by typing, naturally:
XF86Setupwhich will present a dialog box asking if you want to start in graphical mode or tell you it will start momentarily. At this point you'll be in X, using the 16 color VGA server.Read all the instructions, and follow the routine, which I found to be pretty self-explanatory. You will probably have the most trouble finding the right mouse device and protocol, but try each one in turn if you aren't sure. You'll probably also want to change the keyboard to 102key US International keyboard. Specify the video card, and monitor info, don't worry if you don't know the salient monitor inf, you cna start at the top of the list and work your way down the list until you reach a good setting.Much easier if you have your monitor manual available, so have it on hand if you can. Finish the routine when you think it's right and that should do it. Congratulations on your hopefully valid Xconfiguration. If you muff it just try again using slightly different settings until you do get it right.
FVWM is highly configurable by editing the /var/X11R6/lib/fvwm/system.fvwmrc file.You can use the file as it is, since it has the most common installed features already configured, but you can comment out those programs that you don't have installed by adding a "#" at the beginning of the lines you wish to drop, change colors, add popup menus, and more just by following the examples. Just be sure to save the system.fvwmrc by typing:
cp /var/X11R6/lib/fvwm/system.fvwmrc /var/X11R6/lib/fvwm/system.fvwmrc.oldor something similar, so if you do mess up on your customization you can always start from scratch by cp'ing .old to the original system.fvwmrc.A couple of months ago The Weekend Mechanic column had some very cool ideas on wallpapering the root window, so you might want to check them out.
I made "Internet" and "PPP" popup menus to include lynx, Netscape and a couple of telnet sites, as well as an IRC client, and to use the chat script from X. you may have other ideas more to your liking, don't be afraid to try, you can always start over again if you don't like the results.
Take a look at my system.fvwmrc, nothing too sophisticated, but if you compare it to the original you should get the idea. I commented the changes that I made so you can see some of the ways in which you can customize yours.
Clueless at the Prompt #1 - February 1997
Clueless at the Prompt #2 - March 1997
Clueless at the Prompt #3 - April 1997
Clueless at the Prompt #4 - May 1997
Clueless at the Prompt #5 - June 1997