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The subscriber to this list receives any important news concerning the magazine. Upcoming titles, publishing dates, news, announcements. The lenguage used in this list is english.
List devoted to the developement, translation, discussions, etc of the english version of the magazine.This mailing list should be used by those who wish to help with the production of the english version of LinuxFocus.
List devoted to the developement, translation, discussions, etc of the spanish version of the magazine.This mailing list should be used by those who wish to help with the production of the spanish version of LinuxFocus.
List devoted to the developement, translation, discussions, etc of the french version of the magazine.This mailing list should be used by those who wish to help with the production of the french version of LinuxFocus.
List devoted to the developement, translation, discussions, etc of the german version of the magazine.This mailing list should be used by those who wish to help with the production of the german version of LinuxFocus.
© 1998 Víctor Jalencas
This website is mantained by Miguel A Sepulveda.