Copyright © 1997 Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc.
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About This Month's Authors
Wayde Allen
Wayde Allen is an Electrical Engineer involved with the maintenance and
development of the U.S. primary rf power standards at the National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). He has been using Linux
as his primary computing platform for about three years, and was
instrumental in the formation of the Boulder Linux Users Group.
Larry Ayers
Larry Ayers lives on a small farm
in northern Missouri, where he is currently engaged in building a
timber-frame house for his family. He operates a portable band-saw mill,
does general woodworking, plays the fiddle and searches for rare
prairie plants, as well as growing shiitake mushrooms. He is also
struggling with configuring a Usenet news server for his local ISP.
André D. Balsa
André Balsa lives in France, 80 miles south of Lyon. He currently runs
a small Internet consulting business. When not busy exploring Linux
performance issues, Andrew likes to spend his time with his 1-year old
daughter, or else try different French recipes on his friends.
He also helped set up the Linux Benchmarking Project pages at
and a web site at
about the use of Cyrix 6x86 processors with Linux,
which has had more than 9,000 visitors in less than two months uptime.
Chris Baron
Chris is employeed as IBM Mainframe COBOL Programmer at Lockheed-Martin
in Sunnyvale, California. His e-mail is [email protected].
He works as an IBM Mainframe COBOL Programmer and use an Application
under linux called x3270. Perhaps others might be interested
in using this program because IBM 3270 terminals are hard to come by.
Jim Dennis
Jim Dennis
is the proprietor of
Starshine Technical Services.
His professional experience includes work in the technical
support, quality assurance, and information services (MIS)
departments of software companies like
Peter Norton Group, and
McAfee Associates -- as well as
positions (field service rep) with smaller VAR's.
He's been using Linux since version 0.99p10 and is an active
participant on an ever-changing list of mailing lists and
newsgroups. He's just started collaborating on the 2nd Edition
for a book on Unix systems administration.
Jim is an avid science fiction fan -- and was
married at the World Science Fiction Convention in Anaheim.
Carlie Fairchild
Carlie Fairchild is an Advertising Representative and Marketing expert for
Linux Journal.
John M. Fisk
John Fisk is most noteworthy as the former editor of the Linux Gazette.
After three years as a General Surgery resident and
Research Fellow at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center,
John decided to ":hang up the stethoscope":, and pursue a
career in Medical Information Management. He's currently a full
time student at the Middle Tennessee State University and hopes
to complete a graduate degree in Computer Science before
entering a Medical Informatics Fellowship. In his dwindling
free time he and his wife Faith enjoy hiking and camping in
Tennessee's beautiful Great Smoky Mountains. He has been an avid Linux fan,
since his first Slackware 2.0.0 installation a year and a half
Michael J. Hammel
Michael J. Hammel,
is a transient software engineer with a background in
everything from data communications to GUI development to Interactive Cable
systems--all based in Unix. His interests outside of computers
include 5K/10K races, skiing, Thai food and gardening. He suggests if you
have any serious interest in finding out more about him, you visit his home
pages at http://www.csn.net/~mjhammel. You'll find out more
there than you really wanted to know.
Mike List
Mike List is a father of four teenagers, musician, printer (not
laserjet), and recently reformed technophobe, who has been into computers
since April,1996, and Linux since July.
Giampaolo Montaletti
The old Monty is living in Italy and is a 36 years old guy, working as an
economist at the Regional association
of the Chamber of Commerce in Bologna (do you know Rimini?).
The old Monty is manager for many projects involving networks,
intranets, electronic commerce and so on, many of them granted by European
and national foundations. He like to eat, drink red wine and apple
distilled calvados.
Jesper Pedersen
Jesper Pedersen lives in Odense, Denmark, where he has studied computer science
at Odense University since 1990. He expects to obtain his degree in a year and
a half. He has a great job as a system manager at the
university, and also teaches computer science two hours a week. He is very
proud of his "child," The Dotfile Generator, which he wrote as part of his
job at the university. The idea for it came a year and a half ago, when he had
to learn how to configure Emacs by reading about 700 pages of the lisp manual.
It started small, but as time went by, it expanded into a huge project.
In his spare time, he does Yiu-Yitsu, listens to music, drinks beer and has fun with
his girl friend. He loves pets, and has a 200 litre aquarium and two very cute
Not Linux
Thanks to all our authors, not just the ones above, but also those who wrote
giving us their tips and tricks and making suggestions. Thanks also to our
new mirror sites.
While I'm passing out thanks I must include Amy Kukuk and Margie
who have done much of the work to get this issue out. Margie has been
working hard to get me up to speed on this task, but I've still a ways to
go. My professional background has been in the oil business as a
geophysicist, where I usually worked on dumb terminals connected to IBM
mainframes or Digital minicomputers. At home I've been a Macintosh man for
many years, so learning Linux/Unix, vi and HTML all at once has been, shall
we say, exciting.
As Margie has indicated in the past, we share a passion for the outdoors
which we satisfy via camping and motorcycling. With winter close upon us now my
adult son, Keith, and I will likely turn to cross country skiing in favor
of motorcycling. Although I've not done so lately, I also fly as a private
pilot and am rated for both single engine land and sea planes.
This last week of the month of November Margie and I indulged in that most American of
pastimes--eating too much at the Thanksgiving table. We split cooking duties
with my sister, Roxanne, who also hosted. The afternoon was grand, the
food great, and we even came home with enough leftover turkey meat
for several days worth of sandwiches.
As a final note, Margie and I will be out of town for the Christmas
holidays, so expect the next issue of Linux Gazette to be a little
late coming out.
Have fun!
Riley P. Richardson
Editor, Linux Gazette [email protected]
Linux Gazette Issue 23, December 1997, http://www.linuxgazette.net/
This page written and maintained by the Editor of Linux Gazette,
[email protected]